I don't know an option to do this in a single command so I am
doing it like below:
git checkout master
comm -23 <( git branch | grep -v "/" | grep -v "*" | sort
) <( git branch -r | awk -F '/' '{print $2}' | sort ) | awk
'{print "git branch -D " $1}'
# prints 'git branch -D' commands for every obsolete branch. The
next step is to apply them manually.
You could modify command to remove obsolete branches
automatically (on your own risk):
-23 <( git branch | grep -v "/" | grep -v "*" | sort )
<( git branch -r | awk -F '/' '{print $2}' | sort ) | xargs
git branch -D
Another option to remove obsolete branches is:
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short) %(upstream)' refs/heads/ | awk '$2 !~/^refs\/(remotes|heads)/' | xargs git branch -D
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short) %(upstream)' refs/heads/ | awk '$2 !~/^refs\/(remotes|heads)/' | xargs git branch -D